hi again
busy as a bee
trying to get all
the details handled
for this week
my book is looking good!
(btw, thanx richard for
your email!!!)
it's going to be a productive
week (i hope!)
had a great workout
biceps, lats, abs and cardio
what more could i ask for, right?
(someone to do it for me, maybe??)
learning more about termites today
any time a termite inspector
inspects a property for termites
he or she is required by the
pest control board to
make the number #1 top recommendation
of what would be best
to rid the structure of it's current
termite infestation.
on one of my deals right now
the termite quote was very high
because of the 'heating' that would be
required in the attic and maybe a few
other places to try to rid the
structure of termites
well this ended up estimating at a cost
of $3,500 ~ which is ALOT!! (i was
even choking over it!)...and it wasn't
even for tenting.....and it was
for a condo, too!!
turns out tenting is out of the question
because it's a condo and you'd have
to tent the entire building and this
is a situation where the association does
not cover termite repair so each
individual condo owner, would have to
contribute...or at least cooperate
even if all the cost was being paid
for by the seller...that's why the inspector
recommended that the treatment
be performed 'locally' which meant
that the walls be heated and attic, etc.
so the cost was very high to the homeowner
well...here's what i learned....
apparently the pest control board also
does give their licensees the option
(if the seller asks how else can this
be handled?) to laterally make what
they term a "substandard" recommendation
to solve the immediate problem....
which may not really get rid of the
problem, but will band aid it ~ if you will.
what is one to do when in this position???
(especially if you represent one of the
buyer(s) or seller(s)!!)
there are no warranties on this
like there are on the primary
recommendation of repairs (normally
the warranty made by the termite company
is for a year after the work was performed)...
so....if it's not warrantied and the substandard
work ends up being what ultimately is done
(and we will be checking with all buyers/
sellers to the transaction, as well as the
professionals who are involved in the
transaction like realtors/lenders) then
then there is no warranty ultimately for
the new owner.....
interesting.....that at least they have
the lee way (sp?) although it's not
something they offer up front i'm sure
because who would want the work
done substandardly, right????
we shall see how this turns out
gotta scram....have to go
kick some bootee still today!!