Wednesday, May 17, 2006
new biz card
hi there!
how was your day?
here's my new business
card proof....
can't wait to get it out
since it has my new
email address on it!
going to be disconnecting
aol any day now...
am starting a new kind of internet marketing
tomorrow ~ we'll see how it goes.
still negotiating on darlene court and the
previous buyers may have a buyer for
their home.....yeah!
they worked on my backyard again
took all the extra dirt to the dump
and tomorrow they are finishing
removing roots/etc so they can
irrigate and then sod the grass
(plus add a little step of bricks)
omg, my eyes are burning
it's probably partly due to my
allergies, sometimes, i can be
allergic, and the other, just
trying to get so much done
all the time.
just placed two ads for this weekend:
one for turner and one for coca.
i hope to have both in escrow by
next week.
worked out some more details
(financing mainly) on diamond today.
did my first day of physical therapy
which was good.....very busy there!
wow....i have two very highly trained
therapists and feel comfy w/all there.
got a workout in early this am
well gotta run....boring life i lead, huh?
oh, worked on some stuff tonight
for an escrow i have in corona
that we're about two weeks into
and about two weeks away from
closing on....woohoo!
things are looking up.
will have to put pics of my
decoupage project when i can
to show you.....decided to keep
it ~ how could you not want to
when there are very "sentimental"
pics of you and your family on it!
what a great gift idear...night!!