Tuesday, May 16, 2006

backyard revamp

hi there!
how's your week
going so far??

i went to the dr's today
to get a referral
appears that i have
tennis elbow.
(quickly approaching 40,
can i tell??? yup!)

got referred to a physical
therapist and start tomorrow
looking forward to it

friday is my sister's birthday
so maybe we'll get to do
something fun
whatever she wants!

here are some pics of my
backyard work, i'm currently
having done

they worked really hard today
and got all this dirt in the middle
pic out for pickup

then hopefully they will be
accomplishing alot tomorrow
so they can actually make my
backyard start looking better

they did alot so far
it's tough work digging up
10 years of growth on palm
trees that were about 20 ft
tall (see the stumps!) and
also the other plants' roots
that were in the planters

ordering new business cards

working on an offer on darlene

and also on getting coca sold

here's the link for coca
if you know anyone looking
for a nice city lights view
in alta loma under $800K?

- Listing # I617488

bye for now