How are you today?
@ my favorite coffeehouse in Rancho Cucamonga today....stopped by to check e's & got a few gift cards too.....Also, I'm getting ready for more appointments this afternoon.
It's a Grind has a very friendly, helpful, youthful staff....YOU MUST COME BY!! They also have fabulous art on the walls...and more....oh, just remembered, I was going to do a press release for here.....omg! Hopefully I will get to do that soon.....Feels like I want to sell three more listings and sell more homes as well, so it's all in prioritizing and trying to be able to get my rest and keep a balanced lifestyle.....
Stopped by escrow this morning in Riverside for Presidio Circle....woohoo!! Here is Raquel Bauer, our Escrow Officer and Manager at First National Escrow.....If you're in need of escrow services, please feel free to contact Raquel Direct @ 951.248.9229....She'll take great care of you.....She's very detailed and a pleasure to work with....Lots of experience ;)