Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday have to work for it!

....ahhhhh, ahhhhh. baaaaa, ba ba ba....remember that song?

How are you this morning?

I am doin laundry already and getting started with my day.....looks like we may get some great weather today...although the streets are still wet outside right now from the pm rain.

Interesting that yesterday spoke with somebody who has a client interested in one of my listings....what was most interesting is how I spoke with two different people from the same company and they were like night and was nice, polite on the telephone and the other one you could just hear him wanting money through the phone. I hate to say something like this, because I want money too. Although, I don't make it my primary, can you hear me wanting money, kinda way....

Money comes to me when I work for it....
I have a few interesting appointments this, have a special panel discussion at my WEREP discuss the advantages of volunteering and what each chairperson has gotten out of volunteering...I'm really looking forward to this, as it will be good team and spirit building for the group as well as the individuals....woohoo!!

I would like to take some kind of trip...looks like I may be able to slip away first part of May....which is just a few weeks away at this point. I have been invited to visit one of my friends and hope it works out.

Made it through my first weekend with my hillbilly look...getting used to it as much as possible....only one more weekend to go hopefully!! AND, I LOVE IT!!