Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I'm Sorry!!

For those of you that I'm friends with and do stuff with occasionally or regularly, this entry is for you. I have realized it and I know even my Dad realized it and I thought I'd better write a little note about it to help you understand. I have been extra busy with work....trying to cross every "t" and dot every little "i". It has been challenging and probably right up there with one of the most challenging times to be in the real estate industry.

Although I'm loving what I do, I did want to jot you a note and explain that I'm not ignoring you and that I still care about my relationship with you. I know this may seem weird to put on my blog, but I do realize that many of you read it from time to time as you have told me this. My relationships that I've built and nurtured through the years are the most important thing in my life to me!!....this includes my family, loved ones & longtime friends (and enemies lol), as well as friends of friends.....I will leave you with the funny reminder that I read this morning ...it was my astrological forecast from yesterday, that didn't come in until late last night....I hope you remember how much I value our relationship. And I hope to be able to visit with you soon...or do something fun. I am going to try to visit my family this week....

Here's the forecast:

Be honest about the demands you have on your time, especially if your friends and family don't understand why you've been MIA for a while. A little communication can save you a whole lot of hassle.