Sunday, April 2, 2006

basic delivers

first half of basic instinct was just a reminiscing of the first movie
then the second half began to unveil itself
in a better, yet still familiar way
the backdrop of london
provided a crisp, yet dark environment
(and even glam @ times)
to add to the mystique/visual effects
of the not so visited follow-up to the original.

sharon, great job!
how did you manage to keep yourself together
and john (your costar) did a fine job, too.
great choice for a costar, whoever was involved in it?
i hope the box office proves to be at least half
as it was last time
(judging by the almost empty theater when is saw it...
is this cause for concern or a 'bomb'??)
hope not

enjoy your life
you still look great

p.s. whoever worked on lighting, did an outstanding job!!
touche' ;))

sharon discusses the movie....
my question in 'unscripted' is about two minutes into it!!