...this just in....courtesy of Karen Vogel with American Home Mortgage at 909.466.1290 ext. 118....
Thank You, Karen!!! (this is exciting)
Neighboroo (Neighboroo.com) is the latest in a series of websites focused on helping real estate agents and homebuyers easily research any U.S. location. Unlike PropertyValueHUB.com, domania.com, HouseValues.com and Zillow.com, Neighboroo concentrates on neighborhood data and not on house value.
By entering a physical address, zip code or landmark into Neighboroo, or by simply clicking anywhere on the U.S. map, users receive details and statistics about the location based on eight categories, each with subcategories:
Populace -- Population density, gender ratio, politics and religion.
Housing -- Home and rent prices, cost of living, taxes and years in residence.
Schools -- Performance, diplomas and college education.
Safety -- Crime statistics and severe weather.
Health -- Environmental factors and physicians per capita.
Climate -- Temperature, rainfall and snowfall.
Income/Work -- Household income, commute time, unemployment and job growth.
Age/Ethnicity -- Age groups.
Clicking on a subcategory reveals a color-coded information map. The colors let users easily identify trends within the location. For example, if you click on crime, you will see that dark red represents a high crime rate, whereas dark green represents a low crime rate. Shades of each color throughout the map show varying levels of crime. As a general rule for all of Neighboroo's information maps, green is desirable, red is less desirable, darker is more extreme and pale is close to average.AHMLR-07010231