Friday, June 30, 2006
I'm almost done w/today!
Still have bills to pay
(have had to pay them
all week, and haven't
made or gotten the
time to do so!) Poor
excuse, I know.
Also, still not sure
if my listing on Coca
closed today or not???
Since it's the end of the
month, there were alot
of what we call, "special
recordings" ~ means that
they funded and recorded
the same day, or they
were supposed to.
So we'll see, it's nearly
I did a go see today
in Riverside and managed
to sneak in a lunch
at one of my favorites...
The Mission Inn.
Thank You John and
Maria, Our mutual
birthday celebrations
were fun!!
Maria is born the day before
me, no not after, before! LOL
But she doesn't even have
a line on her face!!
John is younger than us.
It was great to see you guys
and the kids!!
Cha Cha is adorable
and LuLu is still
such a gorgeous girl!
Well, better get back
to my work....doing
some research on a home
that I may list in San
Bernardino/near Cal
State...we'll see...
maybe in the next month.