Sunday, May 13, 2007

Tony joins the Picconi Ranks....

My horoscope for today was interesting....not sure what to think of it? Here it is:

Some changes are coming your way when it comes to this funny thing called love -- especially regarding those rules you thought were etched in stone. This is a great thing: You can kick old habits that were holding you back.

That aside.......I spent the afternoon/late am with my family today...and that included my 91 year old Grandmother that I'm so grateful is still fairly healthy and can walk pretty much on her own...although she's very hunched.

It was an exciting afternoon and ended up having to go to Petco (or whatever it's called...LOL...have a feeling I will be there again later this week?) for yup, you guessed it, my new pet.

My sister, Yvette, got me a surprise and talk about a SURPRISE!! Yes, got a new pet....and his name is Tony. I hope to have pics of him on here was interesting and seems very fated...he's sitting w/me on my chase lounge as I write you this and he's enjoying some much needed rest from his long (I'm sure it seemed like forever) afternoon.....I believe he'll settle in well and he is a welcome addition to the Picconi Clan....Please Welcome, Tony Picconi!!! Hope you get to meet him sometime.....

Thank You to my Sister....she always has such a great way of gift giving....she's very gifted in this way....and it was really wonderful to have so much time with them today....some of you know I haven't spent much time with my family of late...

Papa seemed overall happy and Yvette was a bit uneasy (her stalker issue comes up later this month around the 17th, they may let him out of prison) and I've been trying to be helpful today and listen and hope that he won't be dumb enough to come back around, etc.....Please keep my dear Sister in your positive thoughts that he goes and starts a new life.....and/or somehow finds the girl he thinks lives at Yvette's house...THANK YOU, I really appreciate it!!

Well, bye for now...have some work to get caught up on...yes, I know.
