Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.
Also, here is the quote to do the exercise with:

Infinite intelligence attracts to me the buyer for this home who wants it and who prospers in it. This buyer is being sent to me by the creative intelligence of my subconscious mind, which makes no mistakes. The buyer may look at many other homes, but mine is the only one he wants and will buy because he is guided by the infinite intelligence within him. I know the buyer is right, the time is right and the price is right. Everything about it is right. The deeper currents of my subconscious mind are now in operation bringing both of us together in divine order. I know that it is so.

Remember always that what you are seeking, is also seeking you.

**The above was part of our breakout session @ WEREP yesterday.

Use it if you'd like.....or make something up that works for what you're targeting or a similar fashion....

Ok, headed to N's now!! ;)