Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday Morning....

Realized the past few days that Toni is behind on her going to try to make a point today (after the gym??) to bring her for her 2nd booster...then in three weeks, she gets her last.

How was your weekend??

Mine was filled with social was great.....and now it's back to the grind of work....and hopefully some time with friends at some point this week.

My family and I attended a wedding on was wonderful that the four of us were there....and I am still thankful that all went well. Towards the end of the day...around 9-10pm (?), Nonna was getting really brought the family home.

Saturday, I also had a "go see" for a condo listing in Ontario.....I will know more about it in the next few weeks....and when and if I'm listing it, etc. It's good condition and will be listed around $300K. (with a two car garage too and in a gated community) I sold it to them about 10 years ago and they are just downsizing and simplifying their lives now, so it's time to cut loose of the real estate.

Haven't made the time for the gym this weekend or really since am anxiously awaiting going soon......I did manage to lower my bodyfat through carefully controlling or watching my intake portions and am now getting closer weight-wise to where I like to be.....WOOHOO!! I have been offered a modeling job and not really sure if I am going to do it, or accept? Who wants to see a picture of a forty year old trying to look good.....? lol

Hope you had a great weekend and that your week goes well.

My Best,