Sunday, December 3, 2006

Gift Giving For The Rich Video ~ Christmas Shopping ~ Housecleaning Continues!!

Good Sunday Morning To You!!

How is your weekend going?

I was hoping to see my friend, Stacey, in from out of town, but it didn't work out. Hope you had a safe flight home, Stacey, and that you're feeling better soon. ;)

Got more of my house in order finally and am getting rid of more stuff this morning. I'm sending it to Mexico to some of the needy there.....I hope it helps.

Well, gotta get ready. Here is an article that I found amusing....what do you get someone who has everything? Well, if I could afford it, I'd love to get a few people a backyard waterpark for them and their kids, or a jet, or a 25 karat green diamond....check it out if you want....

Working on my Christmas Cards this week and hoping to personally write a note in them....Ciao Ciao~~